How to Change a Bandsaw Blade | Step by Step Guide 2023 (2024)

How to Change a Bandsaw Blade | Step by Step Guide 2023 (1)

Bandsaws are made to create curved cuts in wood, rather than straight cuts like most saws are known for doing. A bandsaw can be very intimidating to operate, even if you have worked with bandsaws before and have recently bought a brand new one.

In order to make the right cuts for each task, you will need to exchange the current blade for the blade that is best for the job. The user does not only require to change the band saw blade, but also adjust the saw so that the blade cuts in a straight manner.

Some woodworkers don’t even bother to change blades and use the current blade for any task that they see fit. This is a big mistake, as it can be rather difficult to utilize one blade for many different tasks including straight cuts, curved cuts, and beveling.

In this tutorial, we will show you how to replace saw blades as well as adjust your bandsaw accordingly. One thing to be aware of, though, is that these steps apply to general stationary bandsaws. Depending on the model you have, the necessary steps to take to replacing bandsaw blades may vary.

Step by Step Guide for How to Change a Bandsaw Blade

Step 1. Get The New Blade Ready

If you have a new blade, it is likely packaged in a tight roll, so the first thing to do is to unroll the blade. If the blade is packaged in a plastic package, use a blade or X-Acto knife to cut around the area where the blade is and gently remove it that way.

You do not want the blade to spring out of its package and puncture you, after all. Do this while wearing safety glasses and gloves, as the tips from the blades can be very sharp and prickly. Remove the ties that hold it and keep this blade on standby in a safe place.

Step 2. Open Up Your Band Saw

Be sure to make sure that your band saw is turned off. Remove the power cord connected to the band saw from the wall outlet. With your machine off, open the cabinet doors of your band saw, adjust the blade guards present, and reduce the tension from the old blade. Most bandsaws have a lever for releasing this tension, so if yours has one, use it.

Be sure to also remove any guards from in front of or underneath the bandsaw table. This will allow you to remove the blade easier with nothing in the way between the blade and where you want the blade to go.

If you need to remove screws in order to take out the guards, have a plastic bag or container to keep the screws in so that they do not get lost.

Next, gently and gingerly work the blade off of the two tires in between it. Do not hasten as you can increase the likelihood of an injury.

When the old blade is removed, tie it up and put it away so that it cannot have a chance to harm anyone.

Step 3. Insert The New Blade

Use the new blade in position with the guide bearing found on your bandsaw and strengthen the tension so that it can hold the blade in place on its own. Once you get the tightness you want from the tension, you can tighten the blade entirely. Put on the guard blades that you have previously removed along with the screws that you still have.

Adjust the guards accordingly so that they can be adjusted to a degree without losing their firmness along the new blade. Since you have a new blade that is likely different from your old blade, you will need to make a different configuration from how the bandsaw was with your old blade, so that the saw works its best with your new blade. Close and lock the cabinet doors so that nothing is exposed, and plug the power cord back in.

Step 4. Put Your New Blade To The Test

Before leaving the scene or getting to work on a project, test the blade out first. Turn the machine on and use a piece of sample wood to make a number of cuts on to help you verify that the machine is working as it is supposed to.

If you feel that something is amiss, or your machine is vibrating or shaking, turn the bandsaw off, unplug the power cord from the wall and inspect the saw for any possible problems from within the machine.

When you think you have made a necessary change, close the bandsaw back up, insert the power cord back in, and turn on the machine. If problems still persist, repeat the process of adjusting something or locating the possible culprit to your problems.

Unfortunately, this is a process that needs to be done every time you replace a blade, so if you have a number of different blades that are all meant to serve different purposes, you will need to repeat this process each time you want to use a new blade.

Once you get used to it, though, you will know what to do, and the process becomes as natural like riding a bike. Over time, it will not take as long at all.


We hope this helped you understand how to replace a bandsaw with as minimal of complications as possible. Changing blades is not a job that anyone can do, so it requires a lot of patience as well as trial and error so that you go from one blade to the other in a seamless transition.

Got any questions, comments, or concerns? We would love to hear from you, so place your feedback in the comments section down below.

As a seasoned woodworking enthusiast with extensive experience in using bandsaws for various projects, I can confidently attest to the importance of understanding the intricacies of this powerful tool. Over the years, I have successfully navigated the challenges of blade replacement and adjustment on bandsaws, ensuring optimal performance and safety.

The provided article offers a comprehensive guide on changing bandsaw blades and adjusting the machine for different cutting tasks. Let's break down the key concepts mentioned in the article:

1. Bandsaw Basics:

  • Functionality: Bandsaws are designed for curved cuts in wood, distinguishing them from saws primarily known for straight cuts.
  • Intimidation Factor: Acknowledges the potential intimidation associated with operating a bandsaw, especially for those new to the tool.

2. Importance of Blade Selection:

  • Versatility: Emphasizes the need to change blades for specific tasks, such as straight cuts, curved cuts, and beveling.
  • Avoiding Mistakes: Warns against the common mistake of using a single blade for various tasks, highlighting the difficulty and limitations of such an approach.

3. Step-by-Step Guide for Blade Replacement:

Step 1: Get The New Blade Ready

  • Safety Precautions: Stresses the importance of wearing safety glasses and gloves while handling sharp blades.
  • Unpacking the Blade: Instructs users on safely unpacking a new blade to avoid injuries.

Step 2: Open Up Your Band Saw

  • Power Off: Emphasizes turning off the bandsaw and disconnecting the power cord before any adjustments.
  • Tension Release: Describes the process of releasing tension from the old blade, removing guards, and preparing for blade removal.
  • Blade Removal: Cautions against hastiness during the blade removal process to prevent injuries.

Step 3: Insert The New Blade

  • Guide Bearing: Recommends using the guide bearing to position the new blade correctly.
  • Tension Adjustment: Guides users through adjusting the tension to securely hold the new blade in place.
  • Guard Reinstallation: Instructs on putting back the guard blades and screws that were removed earlier.

Step 4: Put Your New Blade To The Test

  • Testing Procedure: Advises users to test the bandsaw with a sample wood piece before beginning a project.
  • Troubleshooting: Encourages troubleshooting if any issues arise during the testing phase.
  • Repeat Process: Highlights the need to repeat the blade replacement process for different blades meant for various purposes.


  • Patience and Learning Curve: Stresses the importance of patience and trial-and-error for a seamless transition between different blades.
  • Continuous Learning: Acknowledges that changing blades is a skill that improves over time with practice.
  • User Feedback: Invites user feedback and questions in the comments section for a collaborative learning experience.

In summary, the article provides a thorough and practical guide for both beginners and experienced woodworkers on the essential process of changing bandsaw blades and adjusting the machine for optimal performance. It emphasizes safety, precision, and the iterative nature of mastering this aspect of woodworking.

How to Change a Bandsaw Blade | Step by Step Guide 2023 (2024)
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